Robert was a creative designer and artworker at the award-winning design agency Unreal, based in London, working with a number of different clients across a diversity of sectors…
Sundance Partners - Branding, packaging and DM
Sundance are an organic food company for whom Robert created an identity and stationery. This led to further identity work and packaging design for their products, including bottled apple juice and chocolate bars.
BBC - Poster advertising design and artwork
Alongside the BBC in-house team, Robert developed concepts and produced artwork for 48 and 96 sheet poster ads promoting new program schedules, for display in major cities across the country. While strict guidelines were adhered to, the posters were individualised through the use of typography and imagery ensuring they complemented the show being promoted.
Lloydspharmacy – Press ads, packaging and DM
Robert visualised and artworked all press ads, packaging and other in-store promotional materials for Lloydspharmacy. The vast amount of artwork produced for the client required an excellent management system and eye for detail.

Other work included:
Budget, car rental – Press ads, posters, various newsletters.
Expresspark, property management – Promotional brochures and signage.
Greater London Authority – Educational packs, teaching aids and activity sheets.
Harper Press, publishers – Book jackets and poster campaigns.
HP Sauce – Press poster ads.
Kia – Press ads, posters, and promotional marketing.